Does my DirectRouting User need a Microsoft License?

Does my DirectRouting User need a Microsoft License?

Does my DirectRouting User need a Microsoft License?

Yes. Temporarily.

For the automated setup of Direct Routing a “DirectRouting User” is created in the Microsoft Enterprise and assigned an available Microsoft User license and Phone System, or comparable, add-on.

You can recoup this license from the DirectRouting User once Direct Routing is fully established. If you created multiple direct routes, there will be one user for each route, including redundant routes. Be sure to recover the licenses from all of them.


  1. Navigate to the Microsoft Admin Center >> Active Users and select DirectRouting User

  2. Select Licenses and Apps

  3. Unselect the User License and if relevant the Phone System Add On. In the example below E3 and Microsoft 365 Business Voice.  You can use any combination of compatible licenses listed here.

  4. Select Save changes

  5. On successful unassignment of licenses you will see a small notification on your DirectRouting User Licensing page. You will also see that the DirectRouting User will be considered Unlicensed.


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